Thursday, February 9, 2017

Learning Python!


This week was dedicated to learning Python. The week following will be similar to this one. Python is a programming software ideal for data analysis; therefore, this language is optimal for what I will be doing in the next weeks.

I started my introduction to Python on This website is nice because it introduces new programming functions and then asks you to apply it. The directions can be light, meaning that completing the activity requires a full understanding of the concept. Python is,  however, a language cleanliness. The syntax is much cleaner and simpler than other programming languages. This makes understanding and applying the program easier.

Since Monday, I have covered topics that include syntax, strings and console output, conditionals and control flow, functions, lists and dictionaries, lists and functions, loops, and exam statistics. With this, I was able to complete my first program. The first program I learned to make was a Pig Latin translator. I am actually proud of myself for this, considering that on the same day, I had no previous knowledge in programming. If you ever need to use Pig Latin, you know where to go.

Now, you may be wondering, what does a sophisticated Pig Latin translator have to do with my senior project? Well, nothing...

Actually, all the minor programs I have learned to make are contributing to my comprehension of how programming works. I am getting much more comfortable and familiar with the programming functions. Once I get a firm grasp on Python, I will be able to start writing code for a program that will calculate the Hubble Constant. I have looked at the calculations required for acquiring a value, and it's extensive. Additionally, I have not received data yet from supernovas, and as a result, I am not sure what my code will have to calculate. My on-site advisor could give me the velocity and distance of a supernova, but I may have to find redshift(how light changes in space). I do not know what variables I will be given, so making a program now would not be efficient.

Aside from the programming, I have been reading The Extravagant Universe by Robert Kirshner. I started it awhile ago, but with all the CAPSTONE projects, it was hard for me to find time to finish. I should finish soon. Once I do, I will be going to ASU, discussing the book with my advisor, and helping with observations.

For now, I will continue putting words into my Pig Latin translator.


  1. It's incredible that there's a resource that allows you to expand your knowledge of coding so quickly that you have a program up and running in a day! What has been the most challenging part of learning Python so far?

    1. Hi Ms. Andoga,
      The most challenging part is understanding what each function does. All the functions build off one another and if one doesn't understand a particular function, it's difficult to move on.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you were able to develop your own fully-functioning program! Since this was just a way to familiarize yourself with Python programming, I'm excited to see how your experience will evolve once you have the actual data on supernovas.

  3. Great job on finishing a program in one day. If this is something you become good a doing throughout your project, you may want to consider going into coding. There is a high demand for coders, especially in today's world where hacking has become a big topic in recent years. Can't wait to hear more about your discoveries!

  4. Do you have any previous experience on coding? It's really impressive that you were able to learn Python that quickly. How difficult do you think it will be to create the program for your project?

  5. I don't want to be redundant, but it really is incredible that you were able to learn and develop your own program so quick! I'm glad you're picking up new skills that you can use later on. Good luck and wish you the best!

  6. Ow-hay exciting at-thay ou-yay are able oo-tay eate-cray a ogram-pray ow-nay. All Pig Latin aside, it sounds like you are gaining some very valuable programming skills that you will be able to use forever. Maybe when you finish your project you can come teach some of us back here at school.
